Welcome to the 2025 WakeMed health care careers conference for high school students Navigating Health Care Careers: Chart Your Path from High School to Health Care!  

In order to participate in this event on Friday, March 14, 2025, you must be invited by an event coordinator, and you must have a full schedule of 8 sessions. To be invited to this event, please have a parent sign the WakeMed consent form and email the form to WorkforceDevelopment@wakemed.org.

Friday, March 14th is a WCPSS traditional calendar teacher workday. If your school does not follow this calendar, you may elect to seek an excused absence from your school’s administration to attend this educational event.

Please email WorkforceDevelopment@wakemed.org with additional questions.

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Friday, March 14

8:30am EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 8:50am EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 8:50am EDT
Front Lobby

8:55am EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 8:55am - 9:15am EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 8:55am - 9:15am EDT
Front Lobby

9:20am EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 9:20am - 9:40am EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 9:20am - 9:40am EDT
Front Lobby

9:45am EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 9:45am - 10:05am EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 9:45am - 10:05am EDT
Front Lobby

11:50am EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 11:50am - 12:10pm EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 11:50am - 12:10pm EDT
Front Lobby

12:15pm EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 12:15pm - 12:35pm EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 12:15pm - 12:35pm EDT
Front Lobby

12:40pm EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 12:40pm - 1:00pm EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 12:40pm - 1:00pm EDT
Front Lobby

1:05pm EDT

Ports: A Cath-tivating Demonstration (Medical-Surgical)
Friday March 14, 2025 1:05pm - 1:25pm EDT
Want to learn something unique?  Come learn about port-a-caths and how they are accessed for use in our oncology patients for chemotherapy. A Port-a-Cath, often simply referred to as a port, is an implanted device that provides easy access to a patient’s veins. It is surgically inserted completely beneath the skin and consists of two parts: the portal and the catheter.
avatar for Susan Bruce

Susan Bruce

Supervisor/Educator, WakeMed Health & Hospitals
Friday March 14, 2025 1:05pm - 1:25pm EDT
Front Lobby
Navigating Health Care Careers: Chart Your Path from High School to Health Care
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